An advertisement for Q Magnets, which we published on this website, should not have been published.

In the advertisement, we unlawfully made claims that the device could be beneficial for the treatment of serious diseases, conditions, ailments or defects including chronic pain, bone fracture, complex regional pain syndrome, pinched nerve, wisdom teeth surgery and unqualified references to arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica and tendonitis.

A complaint about the advertisement was recently upheld by the Complaints Resolution Panel. We provided inadequate evidence to support the claims we made, and the Panel found that many of the claims in the advertisement were unlawful, misleading, and unverified and breached the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code.

The Panel therefore requested that Neuromagnetics Australia Pty Ltd publish this retraction.

We did not comply with the Panel’s request that we withdraw the unlawful claims we made and we did not publish the retraction requested by the Panel within the required time-frame. As a result of our inaction, on 6 October 2015, the Panel made a Recommendation to the Secretary of the Department of Health that a Regulation 9 order be made under the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 by the Secretary’s Delegate at the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), requiring us to comply with the Panel’s sanctions, including the publication of a retraction. Although we have been in discussions with the TGA since the date of the Panel’s Recommendation to the Secretary, it was not until 17 November 2016 that we were willing to publish a retraction and to amend our advertising with respect to the unlawful claims we made and to remove the non-compliances our advertising contained with respect to the advertising provisions in the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 and the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2007.

The full text of the Panel’s determination can be found at: (reference: 2014/11/017)

Optimal Life Australia (now Neuromagnetics Australia Pty Ltd) is a Brisbane based company and since 1999 has been distributing both local and imported health products into the health professional and retail market. Optimal Life Australia Pty Ltd changed its name to Neuromagnetics Australia Pty Ltd in 2010 and is a world leader in the development and manufacture of gradient modulated static magnetic field therapy devices to potentially provide comfort or localized temporary relief of minor aches and pain.

Q magnetsQ magnets | QF28-6














Q magnets

In 2007, Optimal Life began manufacturing our signature product - Qmagnets. Qmagnets are a TGA listed Class I Medical Device ARTG 132324.

In 2009, Optimal Life applied for patent a brand new multipolar magnet design that was a world first in its ability to produce a very strong magnetic flux density, steep field gradients and maintain a compact size.

Qmagnets have a 30 day customer satisfaction money back guarantee.

For the science behind Qmagnets, please visit

For more information about Qmagnets, please visit

Brief history

Neuromagnetics (formerly Optimal Life) Australia is a Brisbane based company and since 1999 has been distributing both local and imported health products into the health professional and retail market. These products include AOK Health's mediBall, Ergoport and other associated ergonomic products, Noni juice and Manapol powder.

Neuromagnetics' founder and Managing Director, James Hermans is passionate about health and providing effective solutions to the challenges facing our aging population. In 2006, Neuromagnetics commenced manufacturing our signature product - Q magnets.

Contact Details

PO Box 215 Cleveland, QLD 4163 Australia
Phone: (07) 3821 7300
Fax: (07) 3821 7400

Trade Enquiries:

James Hermans, Managing Director

site by CDP UNIT